The 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA)
Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Applications for Business and Industries - AIABI | co-located with AI*IA 2021
AI is strongly emerging as transversal and powerful technological paradigm: it can transform business models in all industries, in a disruptive and pervasive way. This workshop will be focused on the current scenario of AI for business in heterogenous fields and industries.

The proceedings are now ONLINE!
The proceedings are published online at
Thanks to all of those who took part into the workshop. Check the proceedings on the CEUR website down here.
29th September 25th October 2021
Acceptance Notification
15th November 2021
Scholarship request up to
16th November 2021
Registration up to
22nd November 2021
Camera ready for CEUR Proceedings
26th November 2021
Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more important in our professional and personal life. AI is currently reshaping organizations and how technologies affect management and business.
Workshop Program
As soon as we’ll have further information, we will update the Workshop Program.

Simone Caporale
General Manager, Profima srl
Partner, AI Magister

Giulia Cisotto, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Engineering
University of Padova
National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT)
National Centre for Neurology and Psychiatry of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Ernesto Damiani
Full Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Milan
Senior Director, Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute, Khalifa University
Director, Center for Cyber Physical Systems, Khalifa University
President, Consortium of Italian Computer Science Universities (CINI)

Prof. Guido Di Fraia
Associate Professor,
Vice Rector for Innovation and Artificial Intelligence
Department of Communication, Arts and Media “Giampaolo Fabris”, IULM University in Milan
Founder and CEO, IULM AI LAB

Francesco Epifania, PhD
CEO & Co-founder
Social Thingum

Alberto Fioravanti
Chairman, Digital Magics

Giacinto Fiore
Co-Founder, Intelligenza Artificiale Spiegata Semplice
Co-Founder, AI Week Italia

Iuri Frosio, PhD
Principal Research Scientist at NVIDIA

Luca Marconi
Business Strategist & AI Researcher
Social Thingum
PhD Candidate in Computer Science, Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of

Ricardo Aragon Matamoros
Computer Scientist & AI Researcher
Social Thingum
University of Milan Bicocca

Luca Nardone
Head of Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Unicredit

Prof. Filippo Neri
Explicable Artificial Intelligence
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Naples “Federico II”

Alessandro Rozza, PhD
Chief Research Officer and Chief Machine Learning Scientist

Alberto Schiaffino,
CEO, Engitel S.p.A.

Pasquale Viscanti
Co-Founder, Intelligenza Artificiale Spiegata Semplice
Co-Founder, AI Week Italia
Program Committee
The Committee is composed by high academic and business profiles with years of experience in the field.